

Pig-N-Ford Race, Tillamook, Oregon. I have a tendency to stay in a single spot, waiting for a “money shot” to happen, and that’s definitely the case here. Most of my images from this race are from this vantage spot, most with a wide angle lens. I knew there would be something I’d like from the take, I just had to be patient and lucky. Sometimes, it’d be nice to have a larger variety of images. But in the bigger picture, I simply want a fun, iconic image that sums up the energy of the sport I’m at. I try my best not to over-think things.

About TmsKING

Tms K.I.N.G. vive una strana doppia identità: di giorno triste studente universitario, di notte si immerge in un universo parallelo cosparso di Machine Head e Trucebaldazzi. Vivendo da solo in questo infausto universo, cerca tramite i suoi articoli di trascinare qualcuno nel suo mondo contorto, per avere compagnia durante l'ascolto di un CD Brutal Metal di qualche band georgiana e godersi una pizza e un film, possibilmente di serie B …
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